Photo Stories


Photo Stories

vi·gnette: a short description, picture, or piece of acting that expresses very clearly and neatly the typical characteristics of the thing that it represents


Times Square 2020

Reframing what we see

If you stayed in New York City through 2020, you can certainly agree that the year unfolded not in months but in chapters - much like a riveting novel you couldn't put down. For a brief time, New York belonged to us: the New Yorkers. The crisis helped us develop a deeper love of our lives, allowing us to reframe what we see.


Coney Island/Brighton Beach 2022

Where you end, and they begin

In society, we are drawing an ever shifting line in the sand. Our antenna seems to be constantly up, the respect for each other’s personal space is dwindling. Until we come to the public beach, a space where for a few hours acceptance feels more unconditional, where we gate-check our desire to be around our people, and where we are more supportive of each other. Coming Soon.